Course Calendar

fall 2019
Monday 8/26
no class yet
Wednesday 8/28
What is futurism?
read Black Panther comics
Watch Black Panther movie
Monday 9/2
No class- labor day
Wednesday 9/4
Discuss readings
Create a working definition of Afrofuturism
Preview texts and how they might fit the definition of Afrofuturism
Introduce and begin Research Project
Go over project and have students pick topics
Read Lagoon pages 1-160
Read introduction to The Dark Fantastic
Monday 9/9
Discuss reading
Point of hesitation in Lagoon?
How does the fantastic shape consciousness towards perceptions of difference? (Thomas 19)
Work on Research Project
Read Lagoon pages 160-280
Wednesday 9/11
Discuss reading
How does Lagoon impact us as we look forward? To look back?
Work on Research Project
Finish Lagoon
Work on Research Project
Monday 9/16
Discuss reading
Imagination and who controls the imagination and what impacts that has
Mini lesson on What is afrofuturism - past, present, and future (invaders & colonialism)
Work on Research Project
Wednesday 9/18
Present projects
Introduction to Parable
Read Parable pages 1-100
Keep track of literary elements and write a little about ideas related
Monday 9/23
Discuss reading
Discuss what literary elements are common and why the author is using them, what they mean
Read Parable pages 100-200
Continue to keep track of literary elements and write a little about ideas related
Wednesday 9/25
Discuss reading
Continue discussion of literary elements and what they mean, how they impact the book
Work on literary elements
Finish Parable
Continue to keep track of literary elements and write a little about ideas related & begin to draft literary element paper
Monday 9/30
Mini lesson on What is afrofuturism - past, present, and future (climate change)
Work on literary elements paper
Finish literary elements paper
Wednesday 10/2
Discuss literary elements paper
Introduction to Water Dancer
Begin family history project
Read Water Dancer pages 1-139
Read Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture, Ytasha Womack
Monday 10/7
Day eleven
Discuss reading
How is family portrayed in the novel? How does our family history impact us? How does family impact our future?
Work on family history project
Read Water Dancer pages 139-277
Work on family history project
Wednesday 10/9
Discuss reading
Finish Water Dancer
Read chapter in How to be an Antiracist by Ibrim I. Kendi (whoever picks to culture picks the standards, language, etc)
Work on family history projects
Monday 10/14
Discuss readings
How do Kendi’s comments on language and culture relate to Afrofuturism?
What is futurism- past, present, future, (slavery)
Work on project
Finish family history project
Wednesday 10/16
Present projects
Introduce Flight to Canada
Introduce creative writing piece
Read Flight to Canada pages 1-81
Read article https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/22/opinion/colin-kaepernick-nfl.html
Monday 10/21
Discuss reading
How does this book address the imagination gap?
What elements could be used in your creative piece?
read Flight pages 81-162
Work on creative piece
Wednesday 10/23
Discuss reading
How does this book address the imagination gap?
What elements could be used in your creative piece?
Finish Flight
Work on creative piece
Look at Afrofuturism art work
Monday 10/28
What is futurism- past, present, future (themes from Flight)
Talk about art work found and how it portrays Afrofuturism
Work on creative pieces- peer edit
Finish creative piece
Wednesday 10/30
Present creative pieces
Introduce Children of Blood and Bone
Introduce imagination gap paper
Read Children of Blood and Bone pages 1-136
Read chapter 4 from Racial Innocence on imagination (or article or on the topic of imagination)
Monday 11/4
Day nineteen
Discuss readings
How is imagination controlled thought books? How can Afrofuturism address the imagination gap?
Read Children pages 136-272
Wednesday 11/6
Day twenty
Discuss reading
What elements of imagination being controlled of freed are you noticing as you read?
Read Children pages 272-408
Read (an article on imagination)
Write thoughts on imagination gap and futurism
Monday 11/11
Discuss reading
Work on imagination paper
Finish Children of Blood and Bone
Finish imagination paper
Wednesday 11/13
Discuss imagination papers
Introduce Things Fall Apart
Introduce addition to literary elements paper
Read Things fall apart 1-70
Monday 11/18
Discuss readings
Historic elements
Literary elements
Read Things fall apart 71-140
Wednesday 11/20
Discuss reading
Finish Things fall apart
Monday 11/25
What is futurism- past, present, and future (colonization, invaders, traditions)
Finish Things Fall Apart
Wednesday 11/27
No class- Thanksgiving
Monday 12/2
Discuss reading
Discuss literary elements paper
Work on final project
Wednesday 12/4
Bringing it all together- discuss class and final project
Monday 12/9
Final exam- bring final project to class and present your ideas